Holy Week Rituals, Cora Masks and Body Painting

Charities and Activities Committee of the U.S. Embassy and Fundación Ajaraca invites you to the conference "Holy Week Rituals, Cora Masks and Body Painting" by Johannes Neurath

The Coras or Náayari are an indigenous group that live in the Sierra Madre Occidental in the state of Nayarit, in western Mexico. Due to its geographical location and its resistance to external influences, the Coras have maintained its pre-Hispanic culture and cosmovision. Holy Week Cora is an interesting example of the syncretism of Christian and Indigenous rituals: masks, body painting and other festive elements give a unique meaning to the celebration.

Cora Holy Week ceremonies feature an army of carnivalesque "devils" that emerge from the underworld and invade their own village in order to usurp power and to kill the saints. However, on Holy Saturday the saints rise again, the devils are brought under their control, and are driven back into the river.

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